Business Office Assistant, Britton-Hecla School District 45-4
Business Office Assistant

Job ID:

Region 1 - Glacial Lakes

February 20, 2025

Contact Information:
Britton-Hecla School District 45-4
759 5th Street
Britton, SD 57430
District Website

Steve Benson
Phone: 605-448-2234
District Email

Job Description:

Education: Minimum of a two-year degree in business, accounting, or related field preferred 

In general, the position will reflect knowledge of all duties of the business office including competence in software programs necessary to carry out the duties of that office. The position will include responsibilities of the front office as directed by the superintendent and business manager.

The exact duties may change from time to time depending on the needs of the administrative office and school programs.

Duties will include but are not limited to:

· Serving as a receptionist in the business office

· Completing written or oral correspondence with parents, patrons, vendors, or other parties as directed

· Directing phone calls, visitors, inquiries, and questions to the appropriate office

· Maintaining proper files of records pertinent to the business office

· Assisting with daily lunch count in the lunchroom

· Gathering, counting, and maintaining records of gate receipts and concessions for athletic and other school activities

· Facilitating vouchers, requisitions, and purchase orders, ordering and tracking supplies, and maintaining appropriate records schoolwide

· Overseeing outgoing mail daily and pick-up, sorting, and distributing incoming mail

· Maintaining inventory and supplies in the storeroom

· Maintaining and disseminating proper school notices and legal notices

· Tracking and scheduling conference room reservations

· Maintaining a system of collections and records for lunch accounts, milk, activity tickets, and Enterprise accounts throughout the school

· Writing checks and maintain collection records for Trust and Agency accounts

· Assisting with payroll including W-2, W-4, and benefits

· Assisting with all business transactions, funds, and accounts as requested by the business manager

· Facilitating record keeping, state reporting, and purchases for the school lunch program

· Assisting with board meetings including preparation and copying

· Having knowledge of state fund accounting

· Reconciling credit card statements to receipts submitted

· Entering receipts, general journal entries, leave sheets, and payroll information in the accounting system

· Assisting with updating policy manuals and handbooks as needed

· Attending workshops, webinars, or professional development necessary to the oversight of responsibilities as requested by the administration


Salary: Hourly, depending on experience