Job Description:
1. Create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of the students.
2. Take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities.
3. Evaluate and effectively requisition materials.
4. Employ a variety of instructional techniques and instruction media, consistent with physical limitations of the location and the needs/capabilities of the individuals or student groups involved.
5. Assist the administration in implementing all district/building policies and guidelines governing student life and conduct.
6. Assess student performance on a regular basis, provide progress reports, and keep appropriate records.
7. Develop reasonable rules of classroom behavior and procedure and maintain order in the classroom in a fair and just manner.
8. Understanding the individual needs of students and how they differ in their approaches to learning, create instructional opportunities adapted to diverse learners and seek the assistance of district specialists when appropriate.
9. Understand how children learn and grow and provide learning opportunities that support their development.
10. Promote positive social interactions, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation skills.
11. Use knowledge of communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction.
12. Plan instruction based on knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals or outcomes.
13. Reflect on teaching for positive self-assessment.
14. Foster relationships and communication with colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community.
15. Pursues professional growth opportunities such as attending conferences, reading professional journals, and/or participating in professional organizations and on-site professional development.
16. Other duties may be assigned by administration.
1. Periodically/routinely collaborate and consult with regular education teachers, related services staff, community agencies, providers, and centers about student needs.
2. Responsible to ensure that all service providers (to include classroom teachers and related service providers) are complying with each student’s IEP.
3. Manage a student caseload regarding IEP/ISP development and implementation.
4. Monitor the special education process from identification to referral, evaluation, and placement.
5. Participate in TATs, Multidisciplinary Team meetings, IEP/ISP meetings, and parent conferences.
6. Schedule all meetings that involve the student and the student’s team prior to/on an IEP, to include initial referral for testing (TAT), IEP meetings, and progress meetings throughout the school year.
7. Implement and/or support regular education teachers with curricular and instructional modifications.
8. Serve on district committees as assigned.
9. Train/mentor educational assistants and teacher interns.
10. Participate in supervisory duties: playground, bus, school building.
11. Plan for student transitions for all students; coordinate job skills in the community for older students.
12. Administer testing for screenings, initial and three-year reevaluations; present and interpret results; answer questions.
13. Conduct home visits scheduled or as needed.
14. Complete forms correctly and in a timely manner.
15. Be knowledgeable about disabling conditions and issues, eligibility criteria, rules and regulations regarding funding sources, district comprehensive plan.
16. Perform other duties and functions as assigned by the Director of Special Services, i.e. attend monthly staff meetings.