Job Description:
We are looking for a science teacher for grades 6-11. While it seems like a lot of preps, we recently transitioned to a format where our 6-8 all learn the same content, and it is rotated on a yearly basis. Then our HS learns Physical Science, Biology, and then a rotating class of chemisty and anatomy.
White Lake School is a small, rural district in the heart of South Dakota righ on Interstate 90. Located in between Mitchell and Chamberlain, you get the advantages of a small town, with the proximity to everything you need. Our district is home to 125 students Pre-K through 12th grade. Our teachers enjoy the small class sizes and the freedom that comes with being the only section of thier content. Our town greatly supports their public edcuaiton, building a brand new building in 2018. It truly is a wonderful, small school atmosphere, if that is the environment you are looking for.